
last GSoC I developed an eclass for the handling of file-based
capabilities [1]. One should be able to set file-caps for the binary from
the src_install phase. The eclass handles the setting of the caps and
also applies a fallback file-mode, if the caps-setting goes wrong.

I would be happy, if you guys and gals could take a look at it, 
and review it :).

It uses a new global use-flag (filecaps) so it wouldn't collide with
the caps use-flag and the corresponding old handling of file-caps.

The git repository, which also includes a manpage and some tests for the eclass,
is available here [2]. 
I'm going to update the eclass with your patches there.


[1] http://www.friedhoff.org/posixfilecaps.html
[2] https://github.com/constanze/GSoC2010_Gentoo_Capabilities
# Copyright 2011 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $

# @ECLASS: fcaps.eclass
# @MAINTAINER: Constanze Hausner <consta...@gentoo.org>
# @BLURB: function to set POSIX file-based capabilities
# This eclass provides a function to set file-based capabilities on binaries.
# Due to probable capability-loss on moving or copying, this happens in
# pkg_postinst-phase (at least for now).

DEPEND="filecaps? ( sys-libs/libcap )"

# @FUNCTION: fcaps 
# @USAGE: fcaps {uid:gid} {file-mode} {cap1[,cap2,...]} {file}
# @RETURN: 0 if all okay; non-zero if failure and fallback
# fcaps sets the specified capabilities in the effective and permitted set of
# the given file. In case of failure fcaps sets the given file-mode.
fcaps() {
        debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
        debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: Trying to set capabilities for ${4}"
        local uid_gid=$1
        local perms=$2
        export fallbackFileMode=$perms
        local capset=$3
        local path=$4
        if [ $# -eq 5 ]; then
                local set_mode=$5
                debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: no set-mode provided, setting it to 
                #if there is no set_mode provided, it is set to true
                local set_mode=1

        #set owner/group
        debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: setting owner and group to ${uid_gid}"
        chown $uid_gid $path
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                eerror "chown "$uid_gid" "$path" failed."
                return 2

        #set file-mode including suid
        debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: setting file-mode ${perms}, including suid"
        chmod $perms $path
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                eerror "chmod "$perms" "$path" failed."
                return 3

        #if filecaps is not enabled all is done
        use !filecaps && return 0

        #if libcap is not installed caps cannot be set
        if [ ! -f "/sbin/setcap" ]; then
                debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: libcap not installed, could not set 
                return 4

        #Check for set mode
        if [ $set_mode -eq 1 ]; then
                debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: set-mode = ep"
                local sets="=ep"
                debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: set-mode = ei"
                local sets="=ei"

        #set the capability
        debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: setting capabilities"
        setcap "$capset""$sets" "$path" &> /dev/null

        #check if the capabilitiy got set correctly
        debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: checking capabilities"
        setcap -v "$capset""$sets" "$path" &> /dev/null

        local res=$?

        #if caps could be set, remove suid-bit
        if [ $res -eq 0 ]; then
                debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: caps were set, removing suid-bit"
                chmod -s $path
                debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: caps could not be set"
                ewarn "setcap "$capset" "$path" failed."
                ewarn "Check your kernel and filesystem."
                ewarn "Fallback file-mode was set."

        return $res

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