tor 2011-04-14 klockan 08:09 +0000 skrev Duncan:
> 1) While baselayout-1 had a parallel boot option, it was quite broken and 
> (partly or entirely, not sure which) non-functional.  The same thing in 
> baselayout-2/openrc works WELL and I use it all the time.  (Given the 
> emphasis placed on this in the media, the various boot-timing contests, 
> etc, and the fact that this feature puts Gentoo in-play again in regard to 
> speed-boots, it's a pretty big positive in favor of upgrading.)

This feature is still not really perfect, at least not perfect enought.
Use squid on a system where it takes longer for its daemon to exist
(like my router, where the media is a intel SSD, 4GB memory and a AMD
Athlon 2x on the AM3 socket) and you will see lots of outputs from
openrc about all those scripts waiting for it to end...

So maybe when that feature is ready to be enabled by default?

Peter Hjalmarsson

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