On Sun, May 01, 2011 at 12:06:47PM +0300, Samuli Suominen wrote:
> ... the time alone if you have to stop on each package to wait for
> echangelog to get done just doubles the amount of time you have to put
> into committing them. That's just not worth the effort.

This argument sucks; if the tool is problematic... fix the tool.  
Simple example, why is is it interactive?

Add a -m <message> option to it; no longer have to watch it, just fire 
the command in a term (or in screen) w/ the message given to it 

Beyond that... I suspect *everyone* would appreciate optimization done 
to echangelog.  From a quick look... seems like it's cvs status, than 
a cvs diff.  Trying to collapse that into a single op, falling back to 
status might not be a bad thing (or parallelizing the requests so the 
slowness of cvs doesn't cause sequentially stack up).

Either way.. fix the tool, rather than just doing the wrong thing.

> So not only they are rather useless, and information you can easily get
> from sources.gentoo.org, they take your time as well.

I think the dial up users would have a real issue with your "easily 
get from sources.g.o" statement- same for users like myself when I'm 
in public transit/flying/working somewhere than work and at home (I 
actually do use those logs when I'm checking depgraph/pcheck issues).

Either way, fix the tool, or prove that the tool can't go any faster, 
and *then* it's a potential discussion.  Right now it really isn't, 

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