Markos Chandras posted on Sun, 01 May 2011 23:49:06 +0100 as excerpted:

> On Sun, May 01, 2011 at 03:33:25PM -0700, Brian Harring wrote:
>> On Sun, May 01, 2011 at 10:08:31PM +0100, Markos Chandras wrote:
>>> Since most ( if not all ) of us use the same message on the Changelog
>>> and on the commit log, it probably worth the effort of having the
>>> rsync servers create the Changelogs before populate the portage tree.

>> This opens up a bit of nastyness; either the service would have to
>> resign all manifests (which defeats a fair bit of the signing intent),
>> or ChangeLog's would have to pulled in full from cvs, generated
>> strictly server side (else manifest will have stale chksums for it),
>> and ChangeLog will have to exist outside of all validation.

> Thats a fair point but the way I see it we need to make a balanced
> choice. Obviously is not feasible to have the rsync servers resign
> everything. [But] having all the gpg keys on the rsync servers [...]
> doesn't look that smart to me.

> Leaving Changelogs unprotected might be a bit of a trouble but it
> certainly is not that big a deal. Nothing serious can happen if someone
> hijacks a plain text file.

> In case people want to ensure end-to-end point integrity, we can use
> a separate GPG key for the rsync server. However, this will make our GPG
> keys useless, and having a single key to sing 10.000 Manifest files does
> not look good either.

What about having a dedicated server-based changlog-signing key?  That's 
still a lot of signing with a single key, but as you observed, the hazards 
of a loss of integrity there aren't as high as with most of the tree 
content.  It'd require changes, but I don't believe they're out of line 
with that required for the rest of the proposal.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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