PyXML is dead:

PyXML provides _xmlplus module, which replaces xml module (from standard 
library) at run time,
which might result in various problems.

I'm planning to implement the following solution:
- Python >=2.7.1-r2:2.7 will provide xml.use_pyxml() function. Calling of this 
function will be
  necessary to use replace xml module with _xmlplus module. Python 
>=2.7.1-r2:2.7 will be added
  to the tree in next week and will be temporarily package.masked. Later this 
change will be
  backported to new versions in older slots.
- All packages, which use PyXML, will have to be patched to call 
xml.use_pyxml(). The following
  code should be added before first import of anything from xml module:

import xml
if hasattr(xml, "use_pyxml"):

  This code works with previous versions of Python, so no changes in 
dependencies are needed.

Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

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