On Wed, 08 Jun 2011 16:09:53 +0200
""Paweł Hajdan, Jr."" <phajdan...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On 6/2/11 5:20 PM, "Paweł Hajdan, Jr." wrote:
> > I'd like to remove <net-print/foo2zjs-99999999. Non-live versions
> > are severely outdated (2008) and unusable (upstream changes tarballs
> > in-place, digest verification is broken).
> I went ahead and committed the change. I might try to provide some
> non-live ebuild in the future, and of course help is welcome.

BTW if you'd like to create an eclass for that kind of live packages
(which fetch packages from upstream), I could add smart rebuild
possibility to start-live-rebuild [1]. This way, foo2zjs users would be
able to upgrade their package whenever upstream tarball changes.


Best regards,
Michał Górny

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