On 10.06.2011 18:33, Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera (klondike) wrote:

> * Samuli, extremist right wing parties are gaining power in your
> country, I think this is a way better reason to rebel than a stupid file.

True Finns are not right wing. The foreign media seems to always get it
wrong. They are a populistic conservative party. On the traditional
left-right axis they are quite center. The parties with seats in the
parliament are characterized for example here:


The article is here (don't know how well Google translate will do):

True Finns are marked with purple (at the bottom).

> It is up to you, meanwhile I'll keep fighting for the camped
> people in Spain instead of some random piece of documentation.

It was a fair election and should be respected even if one doesn't like
the results. True Finns got a little below 20% of the vote so not
knowing anything about Samuli's political views (not even any of my
business any way) it's certainly possible that he voted for the cause
you are trying to rally against. They do have problematic individuals in
their ranks who can reflect badly on the party but if they break the law
they are handled according to the law is it should be.

In conclusion I don't think there's anything to rebel against with True
Finns but I agree that we could focus our energy better.


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