Samuli Suominen schrieb:
> Someone mentioned NFS mount on /usr.  Do we have other reasons?  How
> many users that might be?

If you have / encrypted, then you can leave /usr unencrypted as it
contains no secrets. Also /usr can remain mounted read-only most of the
time, so there is a reduced chance of accidental corruption.
I don't know the number of users who might want this, and I imagine it
is difficult to count them.

> I dislike the idea of moving libglib-2.0, libdbus-1, libdbus-glib-1, and
> couple of dozen more libs to /

If you say that /usr must be on the same filesystem as /, then there is
no real reason to not just make a symlink /usr -> .

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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