On 19 September 2011 16:07, Joshua Kinard <ku...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Yes, but some of us don't even want to have that initramfs built into our
> kernels.  And no one, other than freedesktop.org* and a few people on
> linux-hotplug-devel*, said everything belongs in /usr.  FHS clearly defines
> the roles for /, /bin, /sbin, /lib*, /usr, /var, /home, /tmp and the virtual
> fses.  Plus others.
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/separate-usr-is-broken
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-hotplug&m=131206447302056&w=2
> Really, MacOS's filesystem layout is not something anyone in their right
> mind should deign to mimic/copy.

I didn't get that from either of the links you posted. Seems to me the
systemd developers are looking at the split as a host-specific / vs
host-independent /usr.
Arun Raghavan
(Ford_Prefect | Gentoo) & (arunsr | GNOME)

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