On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de> wrote:
> I believe something needs to be done with the zlib- and -r2
> packages currently in the tree.  The maintainer of zlib pushed those
> revisions with a patch that alters macro identifiers, making Gentoo's zlib
> incompatible with upstream.  As a result, a lot of packages stopped
> building.  Bug reports for broken packages come in and then are being
> modified to fit Gentoo's zlib.
> Breaking compatibility with upstream zlib also means that non-portage
> software, the ones I install with "./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr && make
> install", also won't build.
> It's a mess right now and it just doesn't look right.  The bug that deals
> with it was locked from public view:
>  https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=383179
> Is there a plan for this, or will we have to live with what is essentially
> an incompatible Gentoo fork of zlib?

It seemed to me like this was a silly problem from the outset. vapier
did arguably the right thing, and if that means exposing some broken
software, fine. We handle plenty of breakage worse than this, but I
understand that it can be inconvenient.

However, you completely lost any support when you said

> Yes, bad idea.  But it's in my liberty to write code however I see fit.

That just makes me want to slap you.

I'll echo what vapier said in response: it's absolutely your
prerogative to do whatever you want, but it's not our responsibility
to make sure that it works in Gentoo.

> It's a bad call. You've made plenty of those lately. This is just another one.
> IMO, you don't have the skills and insight to mess with this stuff. So when 
> you
> try, breakage happens. I hope you retire soon.

Are you kidding me? Grow up.

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