Ulrich Mueller wrote:
On Sun, 18 Dec 2011, Alexandre Rostovtsev wrote:
Can we please avoid the bloat of another directory level here?
${CATEGORY}/${PN} will be even longer than ${PF} in most cases.
The problem is that ($PN, $CATEGORY) pairs are not unique. Think of
x11-terms/terminal:0 and gnustep-apps/terminal:0, or
app-misc/beagle:0 and sci-libs/beagle:0, or app-misc/nut:0 and
sys-power/nut:0. I could not think of any better solution than using
Thinking about it a little more, I believe that ${CATEGORY} shouldn't
appear anywhere in the path of installed files, for the following

1. Users may not know the category of a package, therefore it's not
    obvious for them where to find its documentation. (Think of it from
    the perspective of a user on a multiuser system, who didn't install
    the packages on that system.) OTOH, the name of the package (PN) is
    obvious in most cases, since it will coincide with the upstream

2. It doesn't play well with bash completion. When searching for
    documentation of a specific package (and only knowing PN), one can
    currently type the pathname up to PN and press tab which will
    complete PVR. With CATEGORY _before_ PN this would no longer work.

3. CATEGORY and SLOT are Gentoo specific, related to the way how we
    organise our packages. Neither of them should appear in the
    directory structure of installed packages. The problems related to
    package and slot moves (where CATEGORY or SLOT change) also show
    that something is wrong with the approach. (BTW, in the current
    system, PR is also Gentoo specific. It doesn't suffer from problems
    with package moves though.)

Do you have a better proposal that does not rely on $PVR?
Leave things as they are. It's not perfect, but IMHO your approach
would create at least as many problems as it would solve.
Alternatively, a minimal solution would be to drop only ${PR}, i.e.
install documentation under /usr/share/doc/${P}.


I like the logic in #1 as a user. What if two packages have the same name but different categories tho? It is rare but I do run into this from time to time. I try to emerge something but am informed by emerge that I have to include the category for emerge to know exactly which package I want installed.

I do agree that docs are sometimes hard to find. The only way I have any success is equery files <package name> then see where it put them or if there is none to find.

Back to my hole.


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