On 01/01/2012 01:23 AM, Duncan wrote:
> As for the switchover, I had already been thinking about it here and thus 
> have a couple ideas I'd very much like to see implemented in portage/PM/
> base.eclass that could definitely help, along with a USE flag. I'll call 
> them "migrated-rootfs" and "migrateroot-strict" for purposes of 
> discussion, here, and assume they're both portage features and that 
> migrated-rootfs is also a USE flag
> FEATURES=migrated-rootfs would set a USE-default for migrated-root-to-usr 
> so that it'd default to ON, and would indicate that a user is an "early 
> adopter" of the new layout, preferring migration as soon as possible.  
> Users could still set the USE flag as desired for specific packages, at 
> least at first, tho at some point it'd probably first be made a profile 
> default, and ultimately profile-masked either on or off.

I'm not sure if a USE flag for FEATURES setting would be necessary. If
we want to enforce a global policy, then I guess a QA warning would be

Overall, a migration like this should go pretty smoothly as long as
people with separate /usr take appropriate actions to make sure their
systems will boot. People without separate /usr can basically relax and
enjoy the ride.

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