
On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Agostino Sarubbo wrote:
> 4) Nobody knows how work all packages in tree, so there are
> obvious packages like a browsers, IM, audio player,that is easy
> decide if is ok or not, but there are also packages that an
> Arch tester has never seen, so is a lack of time everytime
> google about it or ask to maintainer, so, please specify what
> test you want for this package; e.g.
> -only compile test
> -compile test and make sure src_test goes well
> -make sure /usr/bin/${foo} works properly in ${that} manner
> -see 5) about library
> So, you can write one time 'how to' and copy/paste for the
> future stablereq; I guess I'm not asking a long and difficult
> task.

I'd like to point out that the Emacs people have a very nifty
list of "how to test our stuff":


If you want to be an awesome maintainer, have something like this
for the archtesters, especially for the more obscure packages as
Agostino pointed out.


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