Alexandre Rostovtsev schrieb:
> Users know a package's "natural name", not the occasionally cryptic
> ebuild name, and certainly not the category. If I want to install a game
> called "Neverwinter Nights", it may not be immediately apparent to me
> that I should emerge something called "games-rpg/nwn".
> Adding the natural name to metadata would allow users to more easily
> find the packages they need via and tools like eix.
> -Alexandre

If people have to look into a file to find a name for a package
different from the package name, they can also directly look into the
ebuild or, even more simple, just use the search ability of portage or
other tools, which are able to search the DESCRIPTION.

So if package name really differs from the ebuild name, put it into the
description and you can find the package with portage or tools like.....
eix ;-)

If you really, for whatever reasons, dont want to place it into
DESCRIPTION, metadata.xml already has longdescription. If you place the
full natural name of the package into that field together with an
extended description, i am pretty sure, that noone will complain.

So from my point of view, i currently dont see any need for a special
field in metadata.xml to specify the natural name of a package.


Thomas Sachau
Gentoo Linux Developer

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