On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 05:10:14PM +0100, Wulf C. Krueger wrote:
> On 13.03.2012 07:22, Brian Harring wrote:
> > Still is god awfuly fugly though, and reliant on digits as the first 
> > character to be readable.  Consider exheres: 
> > dev-foo/foo-bar-2.3.4.eapiexheres.eb 
> Just for the record, your example is wrong. For exheres, it would be
> foo-bar-2.3.4.exheres-0
> "0" being the version. Simple, elegant, works.

The example was right; you just didn't bother to read the thread.  

The proposal was to jam EAPI into the version namespace, rather than 
extension.  Meaning they're proposing that foo-bar example be


As I said in the email you didn't bother to actually read, such a 
proposal is fairly whacked and takes away the actual benefits of G55; 
aka, do G55 before doing that attrocity.

I'll skip replying to the rest of the snark in the email; I will 
however point out that toolish behaviour like above doesn't do G55 any 
favors in trying to reverse 5 years of people saying "I don't like the 

That said, feel free to keep screaming into the wind about it.


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