On 03/13/2012 07:01 PM, Brian Harring wrote:
> With respect; you're proposing we go gum up version parsing via 
> shoving EAPI directly into it.  Literally, make what is already a 
> complex mess, worse.  Apply some KISS to your proposal please. ;)
> Just hammering the point home; compatibility *is* complex.  Claiming 
> otherwise is naive.  Case in point: your proposal breaks the shit out 
> of any current-day package manager that saw such a filename.

I'm not really interested in GLEP 55 or variants of it. I was just
saying that if we do go with a GLEP 55 variant, then I'd prefer one
that's similar to the "EAPI in the filename with one-time extension
change" option [1]. There are plenty of ways to do that without making
it difficult to separate the EAPI from the version part.


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