On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Christoph Niethammer
<christoph.nietham...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Here the euse command is realy handy. :-)
> However the sysfs USE flag is still hiding its documentation.
> So lets see if this is a bug or a feature. ;-)

Yup, euse is helpful, or you can grep /usr/portage/profiles/use.*
(including the local version).

I suspect we'll find 3 categories here:

1.  Stuff like amd64 which isn't really a USE flag proper, but which
is required due to how arch support works.  As far as I know amd64 is
the only one in this category.

2.  Stuff like pango which really are documented.

3.  Stuff like sysfs which are neither.  File a bug...  :)


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