On 20 April 2012 03:31, Corentin Chary <corentin.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Add rubygems, github, gitorious, pecl, pear, bitbucket.
> All of them are handled by my remoteids.py script.
> ref: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=406287
> ref: https://github.com/iksaif/portage-janitor/blob/master/remoteids.py
> --- a/metadata/dtd/metadata.dtd 2010-03-02 18:52:11.000000000 +0100
> +++ b/metadata/dtd/metadata.dtd 2012-04-19 14:22:14.077954310 +0200
> @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
>     <!ELEMENT bugs-to (#PCDATA)>
>     <!-- specify a type of package identification tracker -->
>     <!ELEMENT remote-id (#PCDATA)>
> -      <!ATTLIST remote-id type 
> (freshmeat|sourceforge|sourceforge-jp|cpan|vim|google-code|ctan|pypi|rubyforge|cran)
> +      <!ATTLIST remote-id type 
> (freshmeat|sourceforge|sourceforge-jp|cpan|vim|google-code|ctan|pypi|rubyforge|cran|rubygems|github|gitorious|pecl|pear|bitbucket)
>   <!-- category/package information for cross-linking in descriptions
>     and useflag descriptions -->
> --
> Corentin Chary
> http://xf.iksaif.net/

I suggested last week on #gentoo-perl that it might be nice to have
'cpan' and 'cpan-module'  ( or something like that ) to disambiguate 2
queryable terms. ( where 'cpan'  => 'the package name on cpan' )

For some purposes, its most convenient to use the distribution name,
and for other purposes, (ie: cpan clients) its more convenient to use
a Module name, and its not easy to translate between the two, as
Module names sometimes switch between packages  they're shipped in.

For instance, a while ago, the BioPerl module was shipped in a
distribution 'bioperl' , which has only recently been changed to






perl -e  "print substr( \"edrgmaM  SPA NOcomil.ic\\@tfrken\", \$_ * 3,
3 ) for ( 9,8,0,7,1,6,5,4,3,2 );"


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