Since I've been configuring a couple of systems lately for remote
access, which include configuring the serial console, I'm wondering if
it would be a good idea to change our inittab so that the default
(commented out) definition of the serial consoles is a bit more.. modern.

The current definition sets the console at 9600 baud, using vt100
emulation; I think most of us who configure it, do so at 115200 baud,
and some prefer vt-utf8 over vt100 (the two are partially compatible as
far as I can tell).

Of the two systems I've configured ­– a SuperMicro server which is the
new tinderbox host, and an HP for work – both have the default IPMI
configuration for Serial-over-LAN set at 115200, and the HP also had
VT-UTF8 by default for emulation (SuperMicro defaulted to vt100 but
still allows utf8).


Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes —

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