On 05/06/2012 02:45 PM, Fabian Groffen wrote:
On 06-05-2012 14:41:13 +0300, Samuli Suominen wrote:
eclass/ has a ChangeLog

(and this is getting old that everyone keeps ignoring it, I've proposed
punting the ChangeLog from eclass/ directory once, and repeating it now)

% head Changelog

# ChangeLog for eclass directory
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/ChangeLog,v 1.241 2012/05/06 10:41:48 
grobian Exp $

   06 May 2012; Fabian Groffen<grob...@gentoo.org>
   +ELT-patches/sol2-conf/2.4.2, libtool.eclass:
   Add ELT patch for Solaris x64 libtool problem where the linker is set to

sorry, my bad if I missed something... was only reading commits ML. :-/

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