On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 9:07 PM, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> A test of some sort would cut down the risk of the unexpected when we
> do the real migration.

I understand the desire for this, but I don't think it will work. The
first few hours/days after the git migration are going to be painful
either way. If you run a test now, you'll get limited buy-in
(everyone's busy with other stuff), which would probably also be
rather biased (the most git/DVCS-averse devs are the least likely to
participate). You certainly won't be able to emulate the load of the
real tree.

IMO we should try to be cutting down barriers from the git migration,
not throwing up more. The process has taken long enough already; the
desire to control everything about the migration is part of why it's
taken so long. I lived through Mozilla's Mercurial migration, and it
was messy, too. That was probably worse, as there was less experience
with DVCS at the time, but it will still be messy.


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