On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Jeroen Roovers <j...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Aug 2012 14:03:23 +0200
> Gilles Dartiguelongue <e...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Since you are proposing this, a side question is:
>> Why should we write SRC_URI in ebuilds if that info is now available
>> in metadata.xml ? (granted that we might still want to keep
>> over-riding this information in ebuilds)
> 1) The information in metadata.xml is inaccurate, it's a hint. When it
>    fails, nothing of value is lost since the ebuild (supposedly) has
>    what you want.
> 2) SRC_URI is precise.
> 3) SRC_URI can change over time, and across versions (even with all the
>    variables in place).
> 4) Backward compatibility.
> 5) The inversion of your question: Why should we start handling SRC_URI
>    outside ebuilds and eclasses? Or, how would that be practical,
>    advantageous, an improvement on the current situation.

Right, our proposal is not here to replace SRC_URI, it's here to fix
the cases where SRC_URI can't be sanely used to guess new upstream
versions (strange mangling rules, unbrowsable directories, etc...).

Corentin Chary

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