On 08/31/2012 02:53 PM, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 14:11:38 -0700
> Zac Medico <zmed...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> On 08/31/2012 01:46 PM, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>>> On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 13:03:00 -0700
>>> What exactly would the rules be for handling a package that is in
>>> both DEPEND and HDEPEND, when ROOT is in effect? Would the versions
>>> be expected to match? What about use flags?
>> For the sake of simplicity, I would treat them as entirely
>> independent. It should be easy enough for users to apply manual
>> configuration adjustments in order to resolve any conflicts of this
>> nature that may arise. If there turns out to be a strong demand for
>> additional constraints, we can consider adding them in a future EAPI
>> (possibly using a combined DEPENDENCIES variable).
> The thing is... Without some kind of "the same" constraint, we'd be
> adding a feature which would probably work most of the time only by
> coincidence.

Shrug, I don't do any cross-compilation myself, but maybe someone who
does could comment on the usefulness of this kind of constraint. Mike?

>>> Also, we're getting rather a lot of *DEPEND variables here... If
>>> we're making people make major changes to their deps, which for
>>> HDEPEND we definitely would be,
>> Well, I not sure that "major changes" is a really good
>> characterization. We're just talking about migrating a few things
>> from DEPEND to HDEPEND, and it's not strictly required. The migration
>> is only needed when fulfilling a request to support cross-compilation
>> in a particular ebuild.
> Where are you getting "a few" from? Is this "a few seems to be enough
> to make it work", or "someone carefully analysed lots of packages to
> work out exactly what dependencies are HDEPEND, and measured it"? I
> strongly suspect we're in "works by coincidence" territory again --
> "adding packages to HDEPEND as breakages are encountered" is a long way
> from "having an accurate HDEPEND". Are we aiming for the former or the
> latter?

I would think of it like prefix support in EAPI 3. Ebuilds using EAPI 3
were not required to support prefix. Similarly, ebuilds using EAPI 5
will not be required to support cross-compilation.

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