On Wed, 5 Sep 2012 12:07:22 +0100
Ciaran McCreesh <ciaran.mccre...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Sep 2012 13:00:05 +0200
> Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > > I guess that's a pretty comprehensive "we need to do this
> > > properly" then.
> > 
> > Did I say we don't need to? We have the two eclasses which need to
> > do this properly, right? So what's your problem?
> The problem is that we need to work out how to deal with this at least
> for Subversion, and probably for CVS too... As much as we'd like to,
> we can't just roll out a src_fetch without eclass changes. This
> doesn't appear to be a trivial feature to provide.

First of all, subversion isn't a problem here. Subversion doesn't have
native branches. It's just directories in the tree, with tree having
linear history. In other words, it just works.

So it remains CVS and possibly darcs. But considering that the issue is
so unlikely and so small, we can as well assume that the affected
ebuilds should set ECVS_LOCALNAME to something with the branch. This is
in line with how we handle SRC_URI collisions.

And in any case, we may just decide to use a ECVS_LOCALNAME with branch
appended by default.

Finally, I don't think eclasses are really forced to use src_fetch()
from day one. src_unpack() will still work for them, and we can adjust
them gradually.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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