On 09/08/2012 02:43 AM, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Sep 2012 18:55:10 -0400 Michael Orlitzky
> <mich...@orlitzky.com> wrote:
>> I think that dependencies are ultimately not hierarchical
> Situations like foo? ( bar? ( || ( a ( b c ) ) ) ) do happen, so
> any new syntax would have to be able to deal with that.

The deps in both cases are just a collection of atom/type pairs, so
anything possible in one must be possible in the other. I think this
means, if USE=bar, then we need either a or (b and c)? It could be

|| (
  a: bar? ( build run )
  b,c: bar? ( build run )

Or if we wanted to make it even easier, allow the USE conditional at
the top level like we do now:

bar? ( || (
  a: ( build run )
  b,c: ( build run )

I'm just wondering if it wouldn't be nicer to think in terms of
package atoms instead of the dependency types. Right now, we've got
buckets named DEPEND, RDEPEND, etc. and we put the package atoms in
those buckets. The above syntax would make the package atoms the
buckets, and we would be putting the dependency types into the buckets

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