On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 18 Sep 2012, Matt Turner wrote:
>> From the other thread ("example conversion of gentoo-x86 current
>> deps to unified dependencies"):
> [Sorry, I've missed this one in the other thread, so replying here.]
>>> 4) It is not exherbo's DEPENDENCIES. Meaning it is not label based.
>>> Meaning you do not need to knee-jerk attack it because of some
>>> notion it's ciaran based/related.
> What kind of reasoning is this? Does it mean that the syntax was
> deliberately changed to make it different from exherbo's?
> We should accept (or reject) things based on their technical merits,
> not because of ad-hominem or "not invented here" arguments.
> Ulrich

Brian was mocking how so many people reject anything Ciaran proposes
out of hand. He actually discussed the reasoning why he doesn't
actually like labels in another thread.

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