Samuli Suominen wrote:
> so unless you are willing to go that far as introducing yourself at the 
> xfce devel mailing list and accepting the mantle of upstream of them, we 
> are really stuck at this distribution level patching just like others

That makes no sense to me. If you (not you specifically, the generic
'you') have patches then you push them upstream.

0 distribution patches would only be unrealistic because of some
refusal to work with upstream.

If you are doing some patching of XFCE then I think there is no
difference as far as the code goes between doing it in a gentoo
repository and doing it in the upstream repository.

I'm both upstream and user (but neither for XFCE). It is really f-ing
annoying as upstream to have to go hunting for patches in
distributions. If noone else has an interest in a given plugin and
you are patching it, then guess what; you are already de facto

If others in other distributions also share the interest in the
plugin then there is clearly a community of contributors.

An other arrangement than that such community works together in
a canonical (not the company) upstream repository seems like fail.


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