On 17/11/2012 21:52, Joshua Kinard wrote:
> It's human nature to wake up one day and exclaim, "I will develop X!", and
> then go off and do so without any formal planning or even a rough idea of
> how to start.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes, you
> just roll dice.  That's what keeps life interesting.

Agreed. Heck I've worked for how long on Gentoo/FreeBSD? And did I have
a plan for most of that? Not really.

But I didn't go around saying that I was "not following the waterfall"
or "developing AGILE". I was just doing shit that sounded cool and
looked nice. Did I expect much out of it? Not really.

At the end we did get something, in particular we got OpenRC out of it,
which has served us very well for quite a while, and we never planned
for it before that. But it was just luck, and I wouldn't brag about it.

That's why I'm not saying "please shut down the project", just "please
keep ryao away from the keyboard".

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes
flamee...@flameeyes.eu — http://blog.flameeyes.eu/

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