On 23:57 Sat 17 Nov     , Greg KH wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 11:02:19PM -0800, Alec Warner wrote:
> > I'm unsure on what grounds you disapprove. People start (and abandon)
> > projects often in Gentoo. Suddenly you dislike one such project and
> > object to this practice? Certainly if we had to get some sort of
> > Foundation consensus (for anything) nothing would happen. We can't
> > even get more than 40% of foundation members to vote.
> I object if this is seen as a "Gentoo blessed" fork of a community
> project that is worked on by all other major Linux distros.  That is the
> type of decision that can be made by the Gentoo Council, which is fine,
> but it sure would be nice if it were publicly stated, instead of having
> to see it on the Gentoo github site instead.
> And if that is the decision of the council, I would expect the ability
> to have some type of discussion about it, wouldn't you?

Sorry to follow up late but I feel like the critical point never made it 
clearly into this discussion.

The key misunderstanding here seems to be that initiation of a "Gentoo 
project" means that the council explicitly supports it, because in most 
distributions there is no choice available to end users at this level of 

Instead, in Gentoo, the council-level decision typically happens when 
the *default* changes. Non-default or non-mandatory things are handled 
in a nearly anarchic, ad hoc manner, where anyone can do pretty much 
whatever they want as an official Gentoo project.


Donnie Berkholz
Council Member / Sr. Developer, Gentoo Linux <http://dberkholz.com>
Analyst, RedMonk <http://redmonk.com/dberkholz/>

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