>>>>> On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, Rich Freeman wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Roy Bamford <neddyseag...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> From the point of view of the licencor, the licence is just as
>> important as the code, so there are no trivial licence issues.
>> As a trustee, I am unhappy with losing the traceability at all.
>> Other trustees may have different opinions.

But there _are_ trivial cases (e.g., most of the init script issues,
bug 425702) where a simple ChangeLog entry would be enough for

> Not this one.  License issues can vary in severity, and there may be
> nuances that an outsider might not appreciate.

> I think it is best to at least ping the maintainer before switching a
> license.  If anybody spots a license issue that they believe to be
> serious and they don't get a timely response from the maintainer, they
> should escalate it.  I'd go a step further and request CCing the
> trustees from the start on any issue that involves contact from the
> copyright holder in any form.

This can certainly be done. Be prepared for some bug spam, though.


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