On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Brian Dolbec <dol...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> On Sat, 2012-12-29 at 16:42 +0800, Ben de Groot wrote:
>>> On 27 December 2012 00:39, Kent Fredric <kentfred...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Can we short cut the whole quiz process and have some "Inbound" repository
>>> > until we're full git, which people can fork/commit/pull and trusted people
>>> > can review submitted branches and apply them to CVS?
>>> This is why I started https://github.com/yngwin/proxy-maint/
>>> Feel free to send pull requests my way. I have been very busy lately
>>> with work, so I am a bit behind on my Gentoo stuff, but I should be back
>>> in full swing soon.
>> Not to sidetrack the topic farther, but isn't this best done in our
>> github/gentoo account.  It is one of the main reasons we have it, to
>> easily accept pull requests from users.  It would also make it easier
>> for more devs to participate in a group proxy-maint repo.
> Certainly a sidetrack: I would like to point out that Github now
> supports "Organizations" as a semantic concept. I *highly* recommend
> using something like that over using an 'individual' account as an
> organization.
> I've been using Github "Organizations" in a private context, and it's
> been working extremely well.

Ugh. Apologies. I meant to change the subject line, spent a couple
minutes figuring out how to do it in GMail...and then forgot. :-|



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