On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Alexey Shvetsov <ale...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Hi!
> For cross-chroots its needed to have static qemu-$arch user translators. May
> be you can introduce user-static use flag for them? Also it will be cool to
> have init script for kvm

USE=static is available for app-emulation/qemu. I'll get a chroot for
arm setup soon and test everything to make sure its working well.

With regards to the KVM init script, I'm uninterested in maintaining
it and it doesn't belong in the package as it is. There's a number of
submitted init scripts that are attempting to create "init scripts"
but really they're re-inventing libvirt and ganeti, but instead
poorly. Ones I know about are:


Doug Goldstein

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