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On 01/17/2013 08:57 AM, Ben de Groot wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Presently we already have a good number of split qt-* library
> packages in x11-libs. With the arrival of Qt5 upstream has gone a
> lot further in modularization, so we expect the number of packages
> to grow much more. We, the Gentoo Qt team, are of the opinion that
> the time has come to split all these out into their own category.
> This category is to be used for the various modules and
> applications that belong to the upstream Qt Framework only (these
> include e.g. assistant and linguist). Third-party applications
> should remain in the current categories.
> After some initial bikeshedding we came to the conclusion that
> naming the category simply "qt" is the most elegant solution. We
> will then also be dropping the qt- prefix in package names. This
> means x11-libs/qt-core will be moved to qt/core, and so on.
> Please let us know your thought on this.
+1ish. I'm all for a new category (specific naming scheme to be
bikeshedded, no preference there), but I think dropping the qt- prefix
will lead to overly generic/already existing package names: "gui"
"declarative" "dbus" "core" "opengl" etc. I don't see any value from
dropping the prefix that would justify this.
Chris Reffett
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