Your whole email is derailing a bit from discussing the code at hand and
it is going deep down on the people, I'd rather not get there since it
gets totally unrelated the question at hand.

On 11/02/13 14:49, Alexis Ballier wrote:
> All of this because ~10 people cannot work together, well, really, thank
> you :)

May I point you that ~10 people were the majority of what was FFmpeg,
thus 10 people were enough to demote democratically the so called Leader
and that guy got the name from Fabrice as his personal decision?

I'm perfectly happy to develop my code as long I'm not dragged in the
mud with outlandish statement or people annoying the hell of me because
they want to force me to merge because would be so better.

Well, you are talking to one of the two guys that spent about 3 months
behind the scenes trying to compose the situation before it ended with
the in theory normal demotion of a so-called Leader by democratic means.

Sadly or luckily the whole thing ended with us (the majority) having to
give up the name and picking a different one.

Hopefully that's the last time I have to touch this point here.


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