>>>>> On Wed, 20 Feb 2013, Jauhien Piatlicki wrote:

> I do not know whether this list is an appropriate place, so sorry if it
> is not )

No problem with posting it to the gentoo-dev list. I'm answering in
semi-private (Gentoo Emacs team in CC) because the topic is Emacs

> Recently I've wrote some little scripts that implement interface for
> g-common type repositories of layman[1]. And I would ask those who is
> interested to test them.

> I've created two packages: g-common (interacts with layman) and g-elisp
> (generates ebuilds). g-elisp is aimed to automatically create layman
> overlays for repositories of elisp packages supported by package.el, so
> those packages could be installed by portage.

> To test it you can add an overlay described by this xml-file:
> https://github.com/jauhien/jauhien-overlay/blob/master/jauhien-overlay.xml
> and then `emerge g-elisp`

> After emerging it you will be able to add two layman repositories of
> type g-common: gnu-elpa and marmalade.

It looks promising. I only wonder why you need to define your own
fetch function instead of assigning SRC_URI? This will cause the
ebuilds to be live ebuilds and there will be no possibility for the
user to verify the integrity of the downloaded package. Or have I
missed something?

> g-common and g-elisp are still in the very beta, also I'm a very
> beginner in python, so I will appreciate any feedback and criticism.

I fear that I won't be able to help you with the Python.


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