On Wednesday 06 March 2013 10:33:58 Diego Elio Pettenò wrote:
> The fact that we made mistakes in the past does not justify making more
> mistakes.
Um, what are you talking about, too many categories? 
I am afraid, there is no "fix" in the form of "lets not add any". Every 
commits summary message has at least 3x more added packages vs removed ones. 
This stuff has to go somewhere and some categories are becoming way overfilled 
I'd say. At the same time I do agree that the present flat list of super-sub 
categories is not scaling well either (OTOH it is still nicer than some of the 
200+ large categories of present). May be it is time to scratch the flat list 
of categories and finally go into a full tree mode?
app-* =>
and subdivide where necessary? (e.g. app/admin/eselect/ would be just one such  

Just a thought..

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