On Sat, 6 Apr 2013 20:08:43 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> As far as I'm aware, we don't really have much of a patch maintenance
> policy in Gentoo. There a few loose rules like «don't put awfully big
> files into FILESDIR» or the common sense «use unified diff», but no
> complete and clear policy.
> Especially considering the late discussion related to the needless
> and semi-broken functionality in epatch, I'd like to propose
> setting the following rules for patches in tree and in Gentoo-sourced
> patchsets:
> 1. Patches have to be either in unified or context diff format. Unified
> diff is preferred.


> 2. Patches have to apply to the top directory of the source tree with
> 'patch -p1'. If patches are applied to sub-directories, necessary '-p'
> argument shall be passed to 'epatch' explicitly. Developers are
> encouraged to create patches which are compatible with 'git am'.

Bikeshedding below.

> 3. Patches have to end with either '.patch' or '.diff' suffix.


> 4. If possible, patches shall be named in a way allowing them to be
> applied in lexical order. However, this one isn't necessary if patches
> from an older ebuild are applied to a newer one.

Even more below.

> 5. The patch name shall shortly summarize the changes done by it.


> 6. Patch files shall start with a brief description of what the patch
> does. Developers are encouraged to use git-style tags like 'Fixes:' to
> point to the relevant bug URIs.


> 7. Patch combining is discouraged. Developers shall prefer multiple
> patches following either the upstream commits or a logical commit
> sequence (if changes are not committed upstream).


> The above-listed policy will apply to the patches kept in the gx86 tree
> (in FILESDIRs) and patch archives created by Gentoo developers. They
> will not apply to the patch archives created upstream.
> ---------
> The main reason for the whole policy is to let Gentoo supply users with
> consistent and friendly patches. That is, patches which can be used
> directly on a source tree or submitted upstream without any additional
> actions from user.
> (1) lists the most common patch formats. The formats shall be generally
> both readable and reusable whenever possible. I wanted just 'unified
> diff' but ulm suggested that we should also support those upstreams who
> use 'context diffs'.
> (2) is likely to be a bikeshed point here. Long story short, epatch has
> this fragile patchlevel guessing, users don't have it. If we keep our
> patches consistent to a single patchlevel, we gain:
> * ability for users to apply the patches without having them try all
>   patchlevels by hand.
> * clean error output if patch stops to apply for some reason.
> * no risk that patch will get applied to the wrong file if patch stops
>   to apply at expected patchlevel and starts to apply on another.

If I can't drop patches from an upstream mailing list with a different repo
structure than source, or just a random user who doesn't know better, into my
patchdir I'm going to be very grumpy.

Our patches should be -p1, I agree.  I respin any patches I find that aren't.

The first two points are nice, but not worth it to me in particular.  The third
I don't see the risk.  What are the chances of that patch actually applying
successfully?  It'll fail, and you root it out.  And since all our own patches
will be -p1 this becomes a tiny corner case.

> Also, by creating git-format patches, we gain the ability of rebasing
> and updating the patches easily. Even with non-git upstreams, we can
> do:
>   git init; git add -A; git commit -m 1; git am ...
> (3) should be mostly obvious. The main idea is that if we apply a whole
> patchdir, we should be able to easily tell between patches
> and auxiliary files like 'README' or Debian's 'series'.
> I have never seen a patch file named other than '*.patch' or '*.diff'.
> Therefore, I think that it's better to just require those rather than
> trying to provide a sane list of excludes.
> (4) is mostly about friendliness (again). Since shell does filename
> expansion in lexical order, it's just great for user to be able apply
> patches like:
>   git am /usr/portage/foo/bar/files/198-*.patch
> The other sentence is not to enforce this rule e.g. when the same patch
> is applied to different versions of the same package. Although with
> a fair of trickery that could be gotten working, I don't think it will
> be user-friendly anymore :).

That's useful but ${PN}-${PV}-desc.patch is the currently accepted convention.
What you're suggesting here is a suggested workflow.  I don't think it belongs
in a policy doc, at least as it's own section, or at least until it becomes
more commonplace.

> (5) makes finding a particular patch of interest easier, while (6)
> makes sure that the purpose of the patch can be read from patch alone.
> In both cases, having described patches is much better than having to
> look into ebuilds for explanations.
> (7) is because merged patches are usually hard to read and completely
> not suitable for submitting anywhere.

Well, patches should do one thing, agreed.  But I'm not adding 4 patches to
respect LDFLAGS, use CFLAGS while linking, install into /usr, and fix the
version number in a 30 line Makefile.  I'm adding foo-0.01-makefile.patch which
does one thing (fixes crappy-ass Makefile).  I can live with "discouraged" 

toolchain, wxwidgets
@ gentoo.org

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