On Wed, Jul 03, 2013 at 02:42:56PM +0200, Tom Wijsman wrote

> With USE=-experimental (which will be the default) they are excluded by
> default, after enabling that the user can exclude patches by setting
> UNIPATCH_EXCLUDE through the package.env mechanism.

  Here's my user, not-a-developer, perspective.  I think that there
should be a mechanism to enable one patch at a time.  Here's the

  Assume that there are 50 different patches available.  I may want/need
features provided by 1 of those patches.  I probably do *NOT* want to
enable the other 49 patches.  This is similar in concept to enabling one
~amd64 ebuild, versus globally enabling ~amd64.

  Even if I can come up with the list of the 49 patches to exclude, what
happens when the next developer comes along with patch #51?  Does it get
applied next time I build a kernel (ouch)?

  IANAD (I Am Not A Developer), but if I did want to apply custom
patches, I think the right approach would be to somewhere manually
modify UNIPATCH_LIST.  If that approach won't work, maybe a USE_EXPAND
flag make.conf might be the way to go.  E.g. CUSTOM_PATCH="foo bar"
would resolve to USE="custom_patch_foo custom_patch_bar"

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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