On 10/21/2013 02:32 PM, Jeroen Roovers wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:41:02 +0100
> Markos Chandras <hwoar...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> No I never meant broken depgraphs. Well for broken deps, repoman does
>> not let you commit. If you use --force to workaround broken deps,
>> well, then you get what you deserve.
> No, apparently tomwij can get not only away with this (and apparently
> others as well on a regular basis). Not just that: he gets to write a
> lengthy "apology" that merely blames others / documentation / common
> sense, and then proceeds to call me "unprofessional" for pointing out
> in public the several mistakes he made. I feel very much that he's not
> getting it (what he deserves).
>      jer

Lets calm down a little bit. Our documentation is nowhere near perfect
and common sense is not always obvious (we have hundreds of people
claiming that the opposite). Instead of arguing in public how about we
contribute some patches in devmanual to avoid similar problems in the

Markos Chandras

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