Dnia 2013-12-15, o godz. 00:13:09
Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> napisał(a):

> Markos Chandras wrote:
> > Please do not let Peter render another thread useless.
> Isn't it obvious that the discussion about forks is both related to
> cron *and* useful on its own?

No, it's not. We may as well consider systemd a cron replacement
and that won't be useful either.

> It's not really possible to view an entire thread as a single item.
> Life is more complicated than that, for good and bad.

Yes, we actually get all the mails and have to filter out the nonsense
and find useful feedback. If it were a single item we could easily

> Finally, consider that even if what I write makes you personally
> uncomfortable it may still be useful for the community as a whole.

And how is that? Putting random information in middle of mailing list
thread, spread over a few Q/A mails. People who read the ml will be
irritated having to read this, people who don't won't reasonably be
able to find it.

Those were mostly rhetorical questions, so don't bother making more
spam answering them.

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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