On Thu, 2 Jan 2014 06:50:06 -0600
Ryan Hill <dirtye...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> I've always believed that when it comes down to it all Gentoo basically does
> is provide a link to some source code and a script to build and install it.
> Unless we violate someone's license by redistributing that source then we
> really don't have to worry about it, and as you said we already have
> mechanisms to deal with that.  What the user does with that source is their
> business, and they are solely responsible for following the terms of the
> license(s).  IIRC this is the stance we took back in 2006 with the cdrtools
> debacle [1].

[1]  http://lwn.net/Articles/199061/

Ryan Hill                        psn: dirtyepic_sk
   gcc-porting/toolchain/wxwidgets @ gentoo.org

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