Hi Igor,

Igor <lanthrus...@gmail.com> writes:

> I've been using C/C++ since school it's fast, even bad code is working fast.
> I WOULD NEVER BELIVE PYTHON IS AS FAST AS C++ with math algorithms
> that do calculate staff and not call functions from pre-complied
> objects written in C/C++.
> It's crazy that you're even trying to state it. Take a look at what
> Python is producing in disasm and then look at it in G++.
>>> So why do we send Gentoo for food riding on Python? If it were death
>>> we send Gentoo for then I would choose Python but food?
>> I'm finding it very hard to stay polite, because ... honestly?
>> You have no idea what you're talking about.
> Or vice versa.
>> If you want things to change - hire a few of us fulltime to work on
>> things, and you'll get the change you want.
>> Until then there's no need to point out that we are lacking manpower to
>> do large-scale changes, because that's been a constant in most
>> opensource projects since the 1960s.
>> Less talking, more doing - provide patches and stop polluting our
>> mailing list with your madness.
> See tge subject of this letter. The whole point of this conversation is that
> I offered to design it and program it and offered HARDWARE for it but we
> can't get to the point because it's not clear for everyone if we need it.
> If high command not needing it it will find means to kill it and I'm
> very busy, really very busy - can't afford to spend that much time on
> something not useful.

I appreciate your intension to make Gentoo better, at the same time I
could not share the view with you.

Here is the checklist for you:

1. I got a brilliant idea! goto 2
2. Can I realize it by myself?
   Y, goto 6; N goto 3
3. Can I convince someone to do it for me?
   Y, goto 6; N goto 4
4. Can I hire someone to do it for me?
   Y, goto 6; N goto 5
5. Nothing could be achieved :(
6. After rounds of hard work, it comes true :D

Seems that you got stuck at 5. Sorry if you are not willing to adjust
your attitude, your subsequent will be ignored.

Some of the details of your proposal do interest me, such as an
automatic build.log / emerge --info uploader. Supporting mail reply to
bugzilla will even be cooler (which can be used to upload build.log and
emerge --info of course).


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