On 19:59 Sat 11 Jan     , Peter Stuge wrote:
> Duncan wrote:
> > >> Michał Górny wrote:
> > >>   INSTALL_MASK="systemd bash-completion"
> > >> 
> > >> What are your thoughts?
> > > 
> > > It seems like this will generally duplicate all -USE flags.
> > > 
> > > Would it make sense to instead have a single setting which changes 
> > > the meaning of USE to be that everything not USEd is 
> > > install-masked?
> > 
> > No, this would not be a duplicate.
> I did generalize, but think more about this - certainly for both 
> Michał's examples I have already either set or unset "systemd" and 
> "bash-completion" in USE.

It would largely be a duplicate, since we've already made a decision 
about whether the ability to build without a feature is important enough 
to merit a USE flag. This is essentially rethinking the same decision 
and adding complexity to it. I think having this as an additional 
feature in the core PM would be confusing to users.

It would probably be a better fit in gentoolkit or a similar tool.


Donnie Berkholz
Council Member / Sr. Developer, Gentoo Linux <http://dberkholz.com>
Analyst, RedMonk <http://redmonk.com/dberkholz/>

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