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On 01/31/2014 09:07 AM, Peter Stuge wrote:
> Alec Warner wrote:
>>> hmm?
>> To be fair, I had a long discussion with this regarding when QA
>> has the authority to temporarily ban a developer.
> Cool.
>> In the case where policy is missing, QA does not have a clear
>> case of authority there. It becomes a more murky area. I've tried
>> to very much encourage QA to both publish the policies they want
>> to enforce, and automate enforcement with better tooling (repoman
>> or otherwise). Being transparent and consistent in enforcement
>> of policy goes a long way for getting developers on your side.
> Absolutely.
>> So in short, while one could read that passage as you did, I
>> don't think that is their intention.
> To be clear, I don't think so either.
> Rich Freeman wrote:
>> I was really happy to see a public notice of meeting and a
>> published summary.
> Yes, me too!
> I still think it seems like QA could essentially introduce
> arbitrary new policies and 2 weeks later be expected to effect
> them.
> Fine when everyone agrees. Not so much at other times. The 
> responsibility is with QA to build support among the developers,
> and I agree that the transparency goes a long way!
> //Peter

Regarding the question in your first email: We will not create a
policy then immeiately use the policy as justification to to go edit
packages. The intention of the "we may ask the developer to stop" line
is for cases where we suspect that what the developer is doing is
causing a problem and would like to discuss it further. I feel that
that is well within the bounds of GLEP 48. As for the "when/how we
make and communicate fixes," I think that just about any policy we
make will fall into the middle ground you omitted of "file a bug, wait
2 weeks, fix." So no, we will not be making arbitrary fixes just
because we can.

Regarding your concern about us introducing arbitrary policies: again,
most will fall into the "file a bug" middle ground. We also are
perfectly aware that you can't expect people to change overnight, and
we will not be shouting at devs just because they didn't implement
$(new-policy) right away. We will file bugs asking for changes, and we
will try to offer suggestions or patches wherever possible to make it
easier for maintainers.

Chris Reffett
Gentoo QA Lead
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