
First of all, I'm not a Gentoo dev but a proud Gentoo user and also a
developer of a piece of software that's present in portage tree under
app-lc/ category, and Gentoo is kind of tier-1 distro for me.

I'm currently considering using C++14 in my project, particularly
features that aren't supported by gcc 4.8 and are barely supported by
4.9 [1], but the standard is already fully supported by clang 3.4 [2].
Thus I wonder how bad is actually depending on recent clang in

I ask because depending on the outcome of the discussion I'll either
start playing around with C++14 in, say, only new modules that aren't
present in the tree yet (most likely I guess) but are good candidates
for inclusion, or postpone that until gcc like 4.10 is released (less
likely but most "safe" I guess), or happily start using all new nifty
C++14 features in the existing codebase as well (extremely unlikely

[1] http://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx1y.html
[2] http://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html under C++1y section

  Georg Rudoy

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