On Sat, 2014-03-08 at 21:23 -0500, Joshua Kinard wrote:
> So I want to try and play around with a particular network domination tool
> on my home network, Omphalos.  However, its current configure script has a
> hard dependency on bluetooth.h, part of the net-wireless/bluez package.
> Currently, net-wireless/bluez has a harddep on virtual/udev, which works
> great if you use either udev or eudev.  I'm using busybox's mdev instead, so
> the logic of the bluez ebuild needs some changes:
> Thoughts on this?

Does mdev have any API which is equivalent to libudev's hwdb? See

If yes, then optimal solution would be to patch bluez to allow using
mdev's hwdb support, and get the patch upstreamed :)

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