The "30 days maintainer time out" stabilization policy isn't working
when package has multiple SLOTs, because
the bugs are filed for only latest SLOT, where as some packages require
stabilization in sync at both SLOTs

Option 1:

Either revert the whole policy, and never CC arches on unanswered bugs
when the package has a maintainer,
and let him do it when he finds the time himself, and if that doesn't
happen, wait until it's dropped to maintainer-needed@

Option 2:

Or, the person who is CCing the arches in 30 days timeout, needs to make
sure the bug covers all SLOT at the same time

The status quo no longer allows me to maintain stable version of
dev-libs/girara, app-text/zathura*, and the issue needs
to be addressed, see for what inspired
this mail

- Samuli

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