On 2014-04-11 09:02, Ralph Sennhauser wrote:
> java-utils-2 does it like that since before PMS, since around the time
> Portage gained support for EAPIs. PMS leaves it open whether using
> DESTREE in pkg_setup is allowed or not. Neither Portage, Paludis nor
> earlier version of Pkgcore did mind this use. Well, one could argue
> that using DESTREE in pkg_setup is allowed.

Pkgcore explicitly worked around it for a long time (since 0.2.12-ish)
specifically noting it was for this case until I dropped it recently
since keeping targeted hacks around for things like this isn't great for

> I would welcome PMS clearly defining the scope of DESTREE and the most
> logical choice of course would be src_install only where it is
> currently explicitly required.

Yep, as Ulrich noted (and I noted in the 2nd paragraph of my first
message) PMS already defines the scope of DESTTREE to be src_install

> If we fix java-utils-2 we should fix PMS as well. After all,
> java-utils-2 is a prime suspect for the different handling of
> DESTREE and for instance INSDESTREE in PMS. This asymmetry is why I
> didn't touch java-utils-2 when I looked into exactly this usage of
> DESTREE 2+ years ago.

Just to note, I already committed the fix a few days ago after
discussing it a bit on the java herd IRC channel.

Really it would be great if someone was interested in reworking most of
the java eclasses since they've been showing their age for a while now.


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