Please do not take this personally.

I honestly wonder what all the fuss is about. There are a few games
I've helped with over the years and I've never had any trouble at all
having my stuff reviewed and accepted. And I'm a lousy ebuild writer.
Every time I'd suggest a fix, bump, or new package, and I came with an
ebuild, I would get constructive criticism and I could then commit it
myself. Not one single time did I get a "no". Not once.

You had a fix and it was refused? Have you ever considered you may
have been doing it wrong? I understand having to have your code
reviewed and accepted sounds like an insult to a rock star like you,
but that's the way it is in the real world. It is still beyond my
understanding that code reviews are not mandatory for anything that is
committed in Gentoo.

Rich, if I may have a suggestion, it would be that instead of meddling
with projects that have been doing their best with what they have for
years, and which need praise rather than hindrance, you instead start
a project to get people to think positively and accept criticism. The
amount of energy that was spent in this thread and many others in pure
loss could have gone a long way.


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