On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 3:38 AM, "Paweł Hajdan, Jr."
<phajdan...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 7/30/14, 7:36 AM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
>> If it's 2-3 packages out of ~300, I'd rather pick them out than
>> revision bump all ~300 for the 2-3. Or not pick them out at all
>> and let users do the rebuild (which is the obvious answer
>> to the output you posted)
> Peter Stuge pointed it out already, but I also wanted to say rebuilding
> the affected packages is not obvious to me either.

Sure, but this seems more like a portage bug (or at least a portage
output bug) rather than a fundamental issue.

After all, there was no true block - just a need for a rebuild.

I heard prerm as a reason why dynamic deps can break (especially with
slot operator deps, though obviously it also breaks for
non-slot-operator deps that should be expressed as such), though as
has been pointed out those will break unless we unmerge and remerge
all reverse-deps on every upgrade.  Are there other issues.

To be honest I was expecting a plethora of issues that can go wrong
with dynamic deps, but so far I'm hearing something like 2-3, and if
that really is all that there is then this may be a solvable issue.


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